
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mother & Daughter Photo Shoot

I can finally share the wonderful photo shoot if my mother and little sister, I really am excited in how they came out and happy to get the opportunity once again. So here it is....

These are totally my favorites. Hope you enjoy seeing my work as much as I enjoy taking them. Also make sure to check out my recent video as well.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Teen Choice Awards 2013

Hey guys,

       I have recently came across this video of Ashton Kutcher funny speech at Teen Choice Awards 2013. I admire this man so much, he's speech was so amazing and so inspiring and to me this speech really would make a difference in teens, many did started the way started before becoming famous, and to me many of us are still going through many jobs and continue the same way to get through pay check after pay check to pay bills without being able to enjoy not even one for yourself.

Anyways I leave you with the video to see and tell me your thoughts.

Also a little heads up tomorrow I am going to post a few pictures from my recent photo shoot with my loving mother and little sister.

God Bless, Be Inspired,
      Love Naisha~

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Small Acts Of Kindness Entry for Carlibel55

Hey Guys,

     I am officially announcing that I have entered Carli Bybel and Brettcap giveaway on YouTube. I am so happy and excited for this contest. As some may know I have been going through a lot of things on these past three years. Also I am here to say that the acts of kindness can be as little or as small but believe me when I tell you even if they same small to us it can be super big to someone else.

Take care and remember always share positive to the world and no negativity it can make a difference in someones life.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Life's Blessings...

Hello Everyone!

  Today I have begun with the one and only Joel Osteen quote from his twitter. I wanted to share this specific quote with you guys because as I know many of us have our very own issues we either deal with day to day bases, or some that we may deal with it on some occasions. Well as for me this  quote has inspired me in many different ways, not only it motivates me but it makes me realize that we are not the only ones who have these bad days but there are others who are having some difficulties and some more than others, we need to learn to appreciate the blessings of life even it is "hard" when really some situations are not as hard as we may think it is we just see it in our own point of view.

For some people their problems would seem even more worse than our very own, we need to remember some people out there barely got food to eat, some don't even have enough water to shower with. Now do some of us really have it harder? Some people don't have the advantages we have like having a roof over head, a bed to sleep, on and water to shower with two or three times a day. We tend to not see the positive in our situation, we become so blind with negatives of what is going on when really I believe we have to appreciate the good that we get to have and enjoy, we need to not take for granted our blessings but truly enjoy the opportunities we have.

I hope with this blog today I have shared some light to you're bad situation, hope to have helped you see the positive in a negative situation.

God Bless,

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Marilyn Monroe Photo Frames for Sale..

Hello Everyone!

    Today I have posted on Craiglist what I am selling as obvious on the title of this post I am selling 3 Photo Frames of Marilyn Monroe, I am doing a complete room makeover and would like to sell these to someone who really is a huge fan of hers like I still am, I keeping a few things that are of Marilyn but these larger frames I am selling since it does take a lot of room in my tiny room he he.

If you more information on the frames contact me to my email in which the craglist post will link your message directly.

Here are some pictures of them if you're interested or someone you may know is.


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Filled with Gifts....

Hey Everyone! 

   So these past few days I have been showered with gifts from Puerto Rico for when my mother went on vacation. In the pictures below I would show you well a few of many and who doesn't enjoy getting gifts right?

A Marilyn Monroe Shirt Whatttt, If you know me well, you will know I am a huge fan of Marilyn...Gift from my mother.

Gift from my aunt, Handmade by her as well, sorry for the blurry image...

These past few days have been one of the most amazing days, for me to be able to just be completely honest and see things even more differently. I hope every single one of you can take the time to be yourself and to do things differently but just for yourselves not for anyone else.
